10 Ways to Improve Your Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence (EI) or emotional quotient (EQ) is the capability of individuals to recognize their own emotions and those of others. It is not only recognising your own emotions; it is being able manage these appropriately and being able to help others manage their’s. Emotional Intelligence also allows us to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving.

Although there is no Test for Emotional Intelligence in the same way that there are IQ tests, the idea of emotional Intelligence has gained wide acceptance. Some employers incorporate emotional intelligence assessment into their interview processes, as someone high in emotional intelligence makes a better leader or co-worker.

 Although the term Emotional Intelligence first appeared in 1964, it gained popularity in the 1995 book ‘Emotional Intelligence’, written by the science journalist Daniel Goleman.

However good your own emotional intelligence you can use the 10 simple ideas below to improve and develop your self-awareness and empathy.

1. Practice Observing How You Feel

Given the pace of many of our lives it is easy to lose touch with our emotions and miss out on the valuable information these emotions contain.  Paying attention to how we’re feeling helps us to learn to trust our emotions, and become more adept at managing them.

You can practice by setting a time to notice how you’re feeling emotionally. Is an emotion showing up as a physical feeling in your body and what does the sensation feels like?

2. Pay Attention to How You Behave

By paying attention to your behaviour and noticing how you act when experiencing certain emotions, you can begin to understand how these impact your communication with others, your productivity and sense of well-being. Be careful not to slip into judging your own behaviour too much however.

3. Use an Assertive Communication Style

Assertive communication earns respect without being too aggressive or too passive. Strong Emotional intelligence allows you to communicate your opinions directly while still respecting others.

4. Maintain Motivation.

Self-motivation is a characteristic of emotionally intelligent people. Setting goals and being resilient in the face of challenges also helps them motivate others.

5. Use Active Listening skills.

During conversations, emotionally intelligent people make sure they understand what is being said before responding, so do this. Also try to pay attention to the nonverbal details when conversing. You will avoid misunderstandings and respond properly to other people.

6. Have A Positive Attitude.

Attitudes are important and a negative attitude can affect others.  Emotionally intelligent people are aware of the moods of those around them and change their attitude accordingly. Create a positive environment by making time to notice what is going well and what you should be grateful for. This can be contagious to people around you too.

7. Practice Self-awareness.

Emotionally intelligent people are aware of their own emotions and how they can affect those around them. Make sure you are aware of your own and others’ emotions and use that information to enhance your communication skills.

8. Use Criticism Constructively

Being criticised is never easy, but part of increasing your emotional intelligence is seeing criticism as positively as possible. Don’t be offended or defensive, but take a few moments to understand where the critique is coming from.  Use this knowledge to constructively resolve any issues.

9. Empathise with Others.

Empathy is a trait that shows emotional strength. It helps us relate to others on a basic human level. Use empathy to promote mutual respect and understanding between people with differing opinions and situations.

10. Utilise Leadership Skills.

Emotionally intelligent people are excellent leaders. Because they have high standards for themselves, they set an example for others to follow. Good emotional intelligence promotes good decision making and problem-solving skills.

Bonus: Be Approachable and Sociable.

It is fairly obvious that emotionally intelligent people will be perceived by others as friendly and approachable. Focus on using appropriate social skills and communicating clearly with those around you in all social situations and see a boost to your own emotional intelligence.

There are individuals who are naturally empathetic and emotional intelligence skills come to them much more easily, but anyone can develop them. Being more self-aware and conscious of how you interact with others as well as following the methods outlined above will undoubtedly increase your emotional intelligence level. And Increasing emotional intelligence is an ongoing project; it is always possible to keep improving.

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